User guide

Understanding The License System

IntelliLock's pre-built licensing system observes high security standards, and in prevalent cases will fulfill or exceed the proprietary security and convenience your enterprise might develop at considerable expense or difficulty.
Most needs will be met by simply deploying hardware identity locks. Nonetheless, the IntelliLock License System is designed to readily fit practically any further need or automation.
If you deploy our prebuilt system with hardware (machine specific) license locks, licensing of initial product releases can readily be handled manually with IntelliLock itself at a clip of about a minute per license — allowing you to release protected wares just minutes after purchasing IntelliLock. Later (if you want), practically any desirable degree of automation can be integrated by way of the IntelliLock Software Development Kit (SDK).
You can deploy independent, proprietary license enforcement. Or you can rely on IntelliLock's prebuilt license enforcement system to any degree you desire. You can pursue two basic licensing paths — prebuilt licensing, or extended (customized) proprietary licensing. The latter can build upon our prebuilt hardware identifying system, or it can integrate proprietary processes with information you can embed in our binary license files. In either approach, prebuilt IntelliLock processes make it easier to produce secure, inviolable licensing systems than native .NET SDKs.
A critical security feature of this system is that in no way and at no time does any code exist outside your premises which is necessary to determining valid licenses. IntelliLock's binary licensing system is exceedingly secure.
Create Locked Assembly:
Unlock Assembly: