IntelliLock.Licensing.dll - The functionality of this library is only available AFTER IntelliLock processed your assembly. And after IntelliLock processed your assembly IntelliLock.Licensing.dll is not needed anymore. Therefore you can ship your software without this library. This Library enables you to:
Check the current license status
Deactivate and reactivate license files (via license server or reactivation code)
Directly load license files
Generate Hardware IDs
Define your own dialog box using the IntelliLock.DialogBoxAttribute attribute
Prevent types and members from obfuscation using the IntelliLock.ObfuscationAttribute attribute
Easily encrypt and sign data using the master key stored in your project file (asymmetric encryption techniques are used here)
Easily decrypt data and verify its signature using the master key stored in your project file (asymmetric encryption techniques are used here)
Generate a reactivation code for invalidated license files
IntelliLockDB.dll & System.Data.SQLite.DLL - This libraries are required to access IntelliLock databases (to use them in ASP.NET). You can freely use this libraries on a server or any other environment.